Welcome to the website of the Scottish Labour History Society. We are an independent organisation unaffiliated with any political party, but have enjoyed strong practical, moral and financial support from the broader trade union, labour and co-operative movement for over half a century. We aim to strengthen these links, and we welcome new members and affiliates who can help us to:

  • Promote labour and working class history;
  • form and run regional labour history groups and workshops;
  • expand our range of contacts with sympathetic organisations (museums, societies, labour movement bodies, etc); and
  • expand publishing, and other appropriate activities and outputs, in the field of labour and working class history.

The society maintains an annual, peer-reviewed journal of research articles and review essays. The Journal, now in its 48th volume, is available via subscription (print & online) upon membership of the society.

The society sends a regular newsletter via e-mail with news that may be of interest to our members. Membership is not required in order to receive the newsletter.

The Scottish Committee of the Society for the Study of Labour History (SSLH) was formed in 1961. Five years later, in 1966, in amicable agreement with the SSLH, an autonomous Scottish Labour History Society was constituted.  A detailed history of the Scottish Labour History Society written by the former Chair of the Society, and current editorial collective and SLHS committee member, Rob Duncan, can be found below (logged-in users only).