Index of Past Issues

Below is the cumulative index of both the Scottish Labour History Society Journal (Nos. 1-32, 1969-1997) and Scottish Labour History (Vols. 33-47, 1998-2012). New articles will be added to the index as they are published. To search, use ‘Ctrl’ + ‘F’ on your keyboard to look for keywords or dates, for example ‘Glasgow’, ‘Melling’ or ‘1989’.

Scottish Labour History is the peer-reviewed publication of the Scottish Labour History Society, published annually in volume sequence from 1998, and previously, as the Scottish Labour History Society Journal, in numbered format from 1969. The Journal was published bi-annually in 1970, 1972 and 1981. To view back issues online (subscribers only), visit our e-journal access page.

The index below lists contributors with articles published, each with number, year and pagination of publication respectively (e.g.: 14/1980/30-39). Where two issues were published in the same year (see above) the sequence of issue is indicated after the year by lower case Roman numeral (e.g.: 1981ii).

***IMPORTANT NOTE: Issues 1-30 are available on this website as e-journals in an updated electronic format. As a result, the page numbers differ slightly from the older printed versions (though the text is identical). Please be aware of this when citing from the electronic version.***


ALEXANDER, Chloe Ross James Connolly: The Emergence of a Socialist, Edinburgh (1868-1896)-49/2014/74-85

ALLEN, Douglas ‘Culture’ and the Scottish Labour Movement – 14/1980/30-39

BAILLIE, Myra A New View of Dilution: Women Munitions Workers and Red Clydeside – 39/2004/14-31

BAIN, Peter “Is you is or is you ain’t my baby”: Women’s Pay and the Clydeside Strikes of 1943  – 30/1995/35-60

BALLANTYNE, Neil The Lanarkshire Puddlers: A Case Study in Work and Wages in the Malleable Iron Industry, 1870-1900 – 36/2001/6-19

  • Lanarkshire’s Steel Smelters, 1873-1900 – 43/2008/10-29

BLOOMFIELD, Tommy Interview: Spanish Civil War – 11/1977/28-34

BOLIN-HORTPer A Decided Failure?: The Enforcement of the Early Factory Acts in the Glasgow District, 1834-1870 – 26/1991/45-63

  • Managerial Strategies and Worker Responses: A New Perspective on the Decline of the Scottish Cotton Industry – 29/1994/63-83

BRADLEY, David Oral History, Occupational Health and Safety and Scottish Steel, c.1930-1988  – 46/2011/86-101

BREWER, R C The Independent Labour Party in Angus, 1908-1918 – 22/1987/11-21

BROTHERSTONE, Terry John Maclean and the Russian Revolution: A Discussion Article – 23/1988/15-29

  • The Suppression of the “Forward” – 1/1969/5-23

BROTHERSTONE, Terry & MANSON, Hugo Voices of Piper Alpha: Enduring Injury in Private Memory, Oral Representation and Labour History – 46/2011/71-85

BROWN, Callum G A Brief Defence of Postmodernism – 36/2001/3-5

BRUCE, Frank “There were bands, bands everywhere”: Working in the Leisure Industry, 1916-1950 – 32/1997/40-60

BUCHANAN, R T The Shop Steward Movement, 1935-47 – 12/1978/34-55

BURGESS, Keith William Newton and “The Operative”, 1851-1852: A “Moment” in Discursive Formation – 25/1990/58-75


CALDER, Angus Workers’ Culture/Popular Culture: Defining Our Terms – 26/1991/64-77

CALDWELL, John T The Battle for Glasgow Green – 16/1981ii/19-27

CAMPBELL, Alan From Independent Collier to Militant Miner: Tradition and Change in the Trade Union Consciousness of the Scottish Miners, 1874-1929 – 24/1989/8-23

CAMPBELL, Alan & McILROYJohn Reflections on the Communist Party’s Third Period in Scotland: The Case of Willie Allan – 35/2000/33-54

– see also McILROY, John & CAMPBELL, Alan

CARTER, Paul New Lanark Facelift – 8/1974/39-40

CLARK, Andy ‘And the next thing, the chairs barricaded the door . . .’: The Lee Jeans Factory Occupation, Trade Unionism and Gender in Scotland in the 1980s-                      48/2013/116-135

CLARKE, Linda & WALL, Christine ‘A woman’s place is where she wants to work’: Barriers to the Entry and Retention of Women into the Skilled Building Trades – 44/2009/16-39

COLLINS, Patricia S – Brothers Under the Sun: British Trade Unions and the Indian Labour Movement in the Inter-War Period – 28/1993/30-46

COWPER, Henry Some Aspects of Working Class Education and Imperialism, 1920-1940 – 16/1981ii/12-18

CRANSTOUN, James G M Farm Servants and Collective Bargaining in War and Peace: The Experience of the Scottish Farm Servants’ Union in East Lothian, 1912-1932 –  35/2000/8-24

CUNNINGHAM, Hugh Michael Maltman Barry – 5/1972ii/17-22

DAVIDSON, Neil Gramsci’s Reception in Scotland – 45/2010/37-58

  • Popular Insurgency during the Glorious Revolution in Scotland – 39/2004/14-31

DAVIDSON, Roger War-Time Labour Policy, 1914-16: A Re-Appraisal 8/1974/3-20

DAVIS, Jonathan A New Socialist Influence: British Labour and Revolutionary Russia, 1917-1918- 48/2013/158-179

DEAN, Russell Proto-Socialists and the Community of Property vs. Private Property Question, 1813-1835 – 33/1998/51-77

  • ‘Trading Owenism’, Co-operation, Socialism and Capitalism, 1827-34 – 31/1996/8-34

de FRESNES, Jill “After that strike we was never keeped doon…”: The Scots Herring Girl Strikes, 1900-1950 – 46/2011/102-119

DENNY, Norma Self-Help, Abstinence and the Voluntary Principle: The Independent Order of Rechabites, 1835-1912 – 24/1989/34-46

DEVINE, T M Farm Servants and Labour inEast Lothian after the Napoleonic Wars – 15/1981i/15-25

DEY, Michael Aberdeen Granite Polishers: Strike and Lock-out, 1892 47/2012/31-49

  • The Aberdeen Trawling Strike of 1923– 49/2014/36-60

DICKINSON, H T & LOGUE, Kenneth The Porteous Riot: A Study of the Breakdown of Law and Order inEdinburgh, 1736-1737  –  10/1976/21-40

DONNACHIE, Ian Drink and Society, 1750-1850: Some Aspects of the Scottish Experience – 13/1979/5-22

  • World War I and the Drink Question: State Control of the Drink Trade – 17/1982/19-26

DOUDS, Gerard Tom Johnston in India – 19/1984/6-21

DUNCAN, Robert ‘Motherwell for Moscow’: Walton Newbold, Revolutionary Politics and the Labour Movement in a Lanarkshire Constituency, 1918-1922 – 28/1993/47-70

  • The Revolutionary in Parliament: Walton Newbold as Communist MP (November 1922 – November 1923) – 44/2009/56-73
  • The Scottish Labour History Society: A Retrospect  – 46/2011/14-25

DUNLOP, Anne Lascars and Labourers: Reactions to the Indian Presence

in the West of Scotland during the 1920s and 1930s – 25/1990/40-57

ENGLANDER, David Landlord and Tenant in Urban Scotland: The Background to the Clyde Rent Strikes, 1915 – 15/1981i/4-14

FINDLAY, Patricia & McKINLAY, Alan ‘Restless Factories’: Shop Steward Organisation on Clydeside, c. 1945-70 –  39/2004/50-69

FISCHER, Conan & KNOX, William Shedding the Blinkers: German and Scottish Historiography from c. 1960 to the Present – 26/1991/21-44

FOSTER, John Communist Renewal in Scotland, 1986-1990 – 38/2003/75-93

  • Scotland and the Russian Revolution – 23/1998/3-14

FOX, Russell A History of the EdinburghBranch of the National AmalgamatedUnion of Shop Assistants,Warehousemen and Clerks and the Edinburgh St. Cuthbert’s Branch of the Union of  Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers  – 17/1982/27-29

FRASER, W Hamish Alexander Campbell, 1796-1870 – 31/1996/35-38

  • Alexander Campbell and some ‘Lost’ Unstamped Newspapers – 31/1996/39-50
  • A Newspaper for its Generation: The Glasgow Sentinel, 1850-1877 – 4/1971/18-31
  • A Note on the Scottish Weavers’ Association, 1808-1813 – 20/1985/33-42
  • Twenty-Five Years (Paper to Jubilee Meeting of the Scottish Labour History Society, 1986) – 22/1987/7-10

FREEMAN, Mark D Employment in the Islay Distilleries, 1841-1914 – 35/2000/55-67

FULLARTON, Steve Interview: Spanish Civil War – 11/1977/23-27

GALL, Gregor Scottish Postal Workers in the 1990s: Examining the Contours of Worker Militancy between Glasgow and Edinburgh – 36/2001/20-38

  • Trade Unionism and Industrial Relations inScotland since UCS – 38/2003/51-74
  • Union Organising in The Offshore Oil and Gas Industry: Retrospection on Possibilities and Probabilities – 41/2006/51-69
  • Worker Occupations and Worker Co-operatives – Examining Lessons from the 1970s and 1980s -45/2010/78-96

GALL, Gregor & JACKSON, Mike Strike Activity in Scotland -33/1998/97-112

GALLACHER, Tom Red Clyde’s Double Anniversary – 20/1985/4-13

GIBBS, Ewan ‘Civic Scotland’ versus Communities on Clydeside: Poll Tax Non-Payment c.1987-1990– 49/2014/86-106

GILMOUR, Alison Consultation, Co-operation and Collaboration at Chrysler: A ‘New Style’ of Management of the Linwood Car Plant, 1967-1978 – 44/2009/74-90

GLASGOW LABOUR HISTORY WORKSHOP Working at Singer,Clydebank, 1911-1914: Oral Testimony of David Burnett – 25/1990/76-87

GORDON, Eleanor The Scottish Trade Union Movement, Class and Gender, 1850-1914 – 23/1988/30-44

GORDON, Wendy M HighlandDaughters, Lowland Wage: The Migration of Single Women from the Scottish Highlands to Abbey Parish, Paisley, c. 1851 – 32/1997/23-39

GRANT, Ron The Society of Friends of Russian Freedom (1890-1917) – A Case Study in Internationalism – 3/1970ii/3-24

HARVIE, Christopher John Boyd Kinnear, 1828-1920 – 3/1970i/25-33

  • MacDiarmid the Socialist – 16/1981ii/4-11

HATVANY, Doris The General Strike in Aberdeen – 10/1976/3-20

HAY, J R Government Policy towards Labour in Britain, 1900-1914: Some Further Issues – 10/1976/41-49

HAY, J R & McLAUCHLAN, J The UCS Work-In: An Interim Catalogue – 8/1974/21-30

HIGGISON, Andy Asbestos and British Trade Unions, 1960s and 1970s – 40/2005/70-86

HILLIS, Peter L M Working Class Membership of the Presbyterian Churches in Scotland, 1840-1880 – 33/1998/31-50

HINTON, James The Suppression of the “Forward”: A Note – 7/1973/24-29

HOLMES, Heather Employment and Employment Conditions of Irish Migratory Potato Workers (Achill Workers) in Scotland from the Late Nineteenth Century to the Early 1970s – 32/1997/8-22

  • Revealing an ‘Underworld’ and Fighting for its Cause: Patrick MacGill, Irish Novelist, and the Irish Migratory Potato Workers in Scotland – 34/1999/93-113

HOLT, Peter Scottish Pawn Shops, 1792-1820: A Note on a Neglected Index of the Condition of the Working Class – 8/1974/31-33

HOWELL, David Beyond the Stereotypes: The Independent Labour Party, 1922-1932 – 29/1994/17-49

HUGHES, Annmarie  ‘A Clear Understanding of Our Duty’: Labour Women in Rural Scotland, 1919-1939 -48/2013/136-157

  • The Politics of the Kitchen’ and the Dissenting Domestics: The ILP, Labour Women, and the Female ‘Citizens’ of Inter-War Clydeside – 34/1999/34-51

JACKSON, Mike – see GALL, Gregor & JACKSON, Mike

JAMES, K J Foreigners, Females and ‘Wasters’: Labour and the Causes of Sweating in Glasgow, 1887-1909 – 41/2006/18-23

JOHNSTON, Charlie Early Post-War Housing Struggles in Glasgow – 28/1993/7-29

JOHNSTON, Ronald Clydeside Employers, 1870-1920: Class Conscious or Individualistic? – 32/1997/61-79

JOHNSTON, Ronald & McIVOR, Arthur Incubating Death: Working with Asbestos in Clydeside Shipbuilding and Engineering, 1945-1990 – 34/1999/74-92

KELLY, Pat The Contributions of Scots to Working Class Movements Abroad (Part I) -47/2012/68-90

  • The Contribution of Scots to Working Class Movement Abroad (Part II)–                                 48/2013/52-73

KENEFICK, William An Historiographical and Comparative Study of Dock Labour c. 1889 to 1920 and the Neglect of the Port of Glasgow – 31/1996/51-71

– see also WALSH, Lorraine & KENEFICK, William

KIERNAN, Victor G Labour and the War in Spain – 11/1977/4-16

KIRK, Neville ‘A State of War in theValley of Glencoe’: The Ballachulish Quarries Dispute, 1902-1905 – 38/2003/14-36

KNOX, William (Bill) ‘Down with Lloyd George’: The Apprentices’ Strike of 1912 – 19/1984/22-36

KNOX, Bill & McKINLAY, Alan ‘Pests to Management’: Engineering Shop Stewards on Clydeside, 1939-45 – 30/1995/11-34

– see also FISCHER, Conan & KNOX, William

LANCASTER, Elizabeth Shop Stewards inScotland: The Amalgamated Engineering Union between the Wars – 21/1986/28-33

LANE, Tony The ‘People’s War’ at Sea: Class Bureaucracy, Work Discipline and British Merchant Seamen, 1939-1945 – 30/1995/61-86

LEICESTER, Liz The 1970 Leeds Clothing Workers’ Strike: Representations and Refractions 44/2009/40-55

LEOPOLD, John The Levellers’ Revolt in Galloway in 1724 – 14/1980/4-29

LEWENHAK, Sheila Women in the Leadership of the Scottish Trades Union Congress, 1897-1970 – 7/1973/3-23

LEWIS, Anthony The Emergence of the Builders of Edinburgh’s New Town: An Initial Study of Tradesmen in Georgian Scotland’s Building Industries – 42/2007/13-28

LEWIS, Joel A Clearing Out the Men of Munich: Young Communist Reactions to the Hitler-Stalin Pact – 45/2010/59-77

LOGUE, Kenneth – see DICKINSON, H T & LOGUE, Kenneth

LONG, Paul Abe Moffat, the Fife Mineworkers and the United Mineworkers of Scotland: Transcript of a 1974 Interview – 17/1982/5-18

LUNN, K Reactions and Responses: Lithuanian and Polish Immigrants in the Lanarkshire Coalfield, 1880-1914 – 13/1979/23-38

McCALMAN, Stuart D Chartism in Aberdeen – 2/1970i/5-24

MACDONALD, Catriona L Scotland’s Affluent Workers?   Pay, Stability and the Struggle for Parity at the Bathgate Motor Plant, c.1961-1986–  48/2013/95-115

McDIARMID, Andrew Youth and School Student Discontent, 1911-12:  Dundee in Context-49/2014/61-73

MACDONALD, Catriona M M Weak Roots and Branches: Class, Gender and the Geography of Industrial Protest – 33/1998/6-30

McDOUGALL, William Fighting for Life: Alice, Nancy and the Society for the Prevention of Asbestosis and Industrial Diseases  – 47/2012/50-67

McGREGOR, John Labour Relations on the West Highland Railway, 1894-1924 – 43/2008/30-46

McHUGH, John (J) The Clyde Rent Strike, 1915 – 12/1978/56-62

  • Peter Petroff: The View from the Home Office File – 35/2000/25-32

McHUGH, J  & RIPLEY, B J John Maclean, the Scottish Workers’ Republican Party and Scottish Nationalism – 18/1983/43-47

McILROY, John & CAMPBELL, Alan The Scots at the Lenin School: An Essay in Collective Biography – 37/2002/50-71

– see also CAMPBELL, Alan & McILROY, John

McIVOR, Arthur Work and Health, 1880-1914: A Note on a Neglected Interaction – 24/1989/47-67

– see also JOHNSTON, Ronald & McIVOR, Arthur

McKAY, John Communist Unity and Division, 1920: Gallacher, Maclean and the “Unholy Scotch Current” – 29/1994/84-97

  • Red Clydeside after 75 Years: A Reply to Iain McLean – 31/1996/85-94

McKINLAY, Alan Depression and Rank and File Activity: The Amalgamated EngineeringUnion, 1919-1939 – 22/1987/22-29

  • Jimmy Reid: Fragments from a Political Life – 46/2011/38-53
  • The 1937 Apprentices’ Strike: Challenge “From an Unexpected Quarter” – 20/1985/14-32
  • ‘Being a Communist’ – A Response to John Kay– 48/2013/180-184

McKINLAY, Alan & BLACK, Morna ‘Never at Rest’: The Diary of John S Taylor, 1885-1916 – 29/1994/50-62

– see also FINDLAY, Patricia & McKINLAY, Alan

– see also KNOX, Bill & McKINLAY, Alan


McLEAN, Iain The Ministry of Munitions, the Clyde Workers’ Committee and the Suppression of the “Forward”: An Alternative View – 6/1972i/3-25

  • Red Clydeside after 25 Years – 29/1994/98-111

McWHIRTER, Julie Internationalism and the British Labour Movement, 1917-1927 – 6/1972ii/26-54

MAITLES, Henry Fascism in the 1930s: The West ofScotlandin the British Context – 27/1992/7-22


MANSON, John Communism and Workers in ‘Grey Granite’ – 34/1999/114-118

  • James Barke’s Major Operations – including an International Metaphor – 36/2001/49-52

MARWICK, W H Aristocrats Turned Proletarian – 5/1972i/3-16

  • Workers’ Education in Early Twentieth Century Scotland – 8/1974/34-38

MELLING, Joseph The Glasgow Rent Strike and Clydeside Labour – Some Problems of Interpretation – 13/1979/39-44

  • The Servile State Revisited: Law and Industrial Capitalism in the Early 20th Century – 24/1989/68-85

MILLER, Christopher W Forward to Obscurity?: Another Dimension to the Decline of the Radical Left on 1930s Clydeside – 47/2012/91-109

MILLIGAN, Tony Trotskyist Politics and Industrial Work inScotland, 1939-1945 – 30/1995/104-120

MILLS, Catherine The Kinnaird Commission: Siliceous Dust, the Pitfalls of Cause and Effect Correlations and the Case of the Cornish Miners in the Mid-Nineteenth Century – 40/2005/13-30

MORGAN, Kevin Cutting the Feet from under Organised Labour?: Lord Weir, Mass Production and the Building Trades in the 1920s – 43/2008/47-68

  • In and Out of the Swamp: The Unpublished Autobiography of Peter Petroff– 48/2013/23-51

MORGAN, Kevin & SANTANA, Marco Aurelio A Limit to Everything: Union Activists and ‘Bolshevik Discipline’ in Britain and Brazil – 34/1999/52-73

MORRIS, R J Skilled Workers and the Politics of the ‘Red’Clyde – 18/1983/6-17

MORRISON, Sue The Factory Inspectorate and the Silica Dust Problem in UK Foundries, 1930-1970 – 40/2005/31-49

MURRAY, Tom Interview: Spanish Civil War – 11/1977/34-38

NIXON, Mark The 1837 Tillicoultry Weavers’ Strike: A Case Study of Working Class Radicalism – 37/2002/9-25

PERCHARD, Andrew The Mine Management Professions and the Dust Problem In the Scottish Coal Mining Industry, c. 1930-1966 – 40/2005/87-109

  • Sculpting the ‘Garden of Eden’: Patronage, Community and the British Aluminium Company in the Scottish Highlands, 1895-1982 – 42/2007/49-69
  • Working Class History and the People’s Voice: Fiftieth Anniversary Guest Editorial – 46/2011/3-9

PHILLIPS, Jim British Dock Workers and the Second World War: The Limits of Social Change – 30/1995/87-103

  • Collieries and Communities: The Miners’ Strike in Scotland, 1984-1985 –  45/2010/18-36
  • Histories of Labour: Review Essay – 46/2011/120-124
  • War Against the Miners: The UK Government File and the 1984-1985 Miners’ Strike– 49/2014/124-129

PURVES, Andrew A Shepherd Remembers – 15/1981i/26-33

RAFEEK, Neil Agnes McLean, 1918-1994 – 30/1995/121-130

  • Mabel Skinner, 1912-1996: Communist Politics amongst a Highland Community –  33/1998/78-96
  • Rose Kerrigan, 1903-1995 – 31/1996/72-84

RENTON, Donald Interview: Spanish Civil War – 11/1977/18-23

RICE, Francis J Class and the Treatment of the Insane in Mid-Nineteenth Century Scotland – 20/1985/43-58

RODGERS, Terence Politics, Popular Literature and the Scottish Miners: The Poetry and Fiction of James C Walsh – 27/1992/23-43

RUBIN, Gerry A Note on the Scottish Office Reaction to John Maclean’s Drugging Allegations at the High Court,Edinburgh, in May 1918 – 14/1980/40-45

SANTANA, Marco Aurelio – see MORGAN, Kevin & SANTANA, Marco Aurelio

SHERWOOD, Marika Krishna Menon, Parliamentary Labour Party Candidate for Dundee, 1939-1940 -42/2007/29-48

  • Lascars in Glasgow and the West of Scotland during World War II – 38/2003/37-50

SHIPWAY, Mark The Anti-Parliamentary Communists and the Civil War in Spain – 21/1986/14-25

STEWART, David ‘A Tragic Fiasco?’: The 1984/85 Miners’ Strike in Scotland – 41/2006/34-50

STRANGLEMAN, Tim Writing Workers: Re-reading Workplace Autobiography – 46/2011/26-37

SWEENEY (A.K.A. MAVER), Irene Local Party Politics and the Temperance Crusade: Glasgow, 1890-1902 – 27/1992/44-63

TAIT, William BSISLP Documents on the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the Formation of the CPGB in 1921 – 24/1989/86-92

THOMSON, Alistair Out of the People: J B Priestley as Wartime Populist – 21/1986/4-13

THOMPSON, Willie The End of the Communist Party in Scotland – 36/2001/39-48

TREBLE, James H The National Leadership of the Charity Organisation Society, Old Age Poverty and Old Age Pensions in Britain, 1878-1908 – 18/1983/18-42

  • The Navvies: Review Article  5/1972i/23-33
  • Unemployment in Glasgow, 1903-1910: Anatomy of a Crisis – 25/1990/8-39

WAITES, Bernard The Effects of the First World War on the Economic and Social Structure of the English Working Class  12/1978/3-33

WALKER, David “Danger was something you were brought up wi’”:Workers’ Narratives on Occupational Health and Safety in the Workplace – 46/2011/54-70

  • ‘Working in it, through it and among it all day’: Chrome Dust at J & J White of Rutherglen, 1893-1967 – 40/2005/50-69

WALL, Christine – see CLARKE, Linda & WALL, Christine

WALSH, Lorraine & KENEFICK, William BreadWater and Hard Labour?: New Perspectives on 1930s Labour Camps – 34/1999/14-33

WARD, J T Tory Socialist: A Preliminary Note on Michael Maltman Barry (1842-1909) – 2/1970i/25-37

WATSON, Don Poles Apart: The Campaign against Polish Settlement in Scotland after the Second World War– 49/2014/107-123

  • Self-Help and Aid for Spain: The Hawick Workers’ Mill, 1936-1939 – 34/1999/119-123

WHATLEY, Christopher A A Caste Apart?: Scottish Colliers, Work, Community and Culture in the Era of ‘Serfdom’, c. 1606-1799 26/1991/3-20

  • Women, Girls and Vitriolic Song: A ‘Note’ on the Glasgow Cotton Strike of 1825   28/1993/71-76

WHITE, Stephen Ideological Hegemony and Political Control: The Sociology of Anti-Bolshevism in Britain, 1918-20 – 9/1975/3-20

WILKIE, Ben Scottish Workers and Radicals in Early Twentieth Century Australia– 48/2013/74-94

WILSON, Alexander The Scottish Chartist Press – 4/1971/3-17

WINTER, T M A Note on the Reconstruction of the Labour Party in 1918 12/1978/63-69

WOOD, Iain S Drink, Temperance and the Labour Movement: Review Article 5/1972i/34-54

  • Irish Nationalism and Radical Politics in Scotland, 1880-1906  – 9/1975/21-38
  • Military Service and the Working Class, 1850-1914: A Guide to some of the Literature – 21/1986/34-42
  • The Working Class Movement in Manchester and its Scottish Holdings – 21/1986/43-45

YOUNG, James D The Highland Clearings, Karl Marx and Stalinist ‘Modernisation’ – 37/2002/26-49

  • Obituary: E P Thompson, 1924-1993 – 29/1994/5-7